Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.
Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen.
She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way. When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains, she had a last view back on the skyline of her hometown Bookmarksgrove, the headline of Alphabet Village and the subline of her own road, the Line Lane. Pityful a rethoric question ran over her cheek, then she continued her way.
On her way she met a copy. The copy warned the Little Blind Text, that where it came from it would have been rewritten a thousand times and everything that was left from its origin would be the word “and” and the Little Blind Text should turn around and return to its own, safe country. But nothing the copy said could convince her and so it didn’t take long until a few insidious Copy Writers ambushed her, made her drunk with Longe and Parole and dragged her into their agency, where they abused her for their projects again and again.
And if she hasn’t been rewritten, then they are still using her. Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One
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I touch my woundC, thanv you dokunma yarama dokunurum sana
I touch my woundC, thanv you dokunma yarama dokunurum sana
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Herkes artist olmuş bana da yönetmenlik düşer
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Nasıl göründüğünü sorma, en güzel benimle görünüyorsun
Bana sadece merhaba yazabilirsin. Bu bile beni mutlu etmeye yeter.
İlginizi Çekebilir: TikTok’un Yeni Rakibi Reels Nedir ? TikTok Tarih Mi Oluyor ?
Dokunmadan sevmenin mümkün olduğunu senden öğrendim
Telaşımı hoş göre. Islandığım ilk yağmursun
Güneş gelen yerlerden yürüyüp üşümeyecez diye, sağa sola zıplamaktan helak olduk.
Yoga moga bunlar hep ecnebi icadı. Bizim ata sporumuz güreş. Bunu unutmamak gerekiyor. 🙂
Hırsızlık kabul edilen meslek olmuşta haberimiz yok.
Yapılan hatalar en azından denemenin kanıtıdır.
Herkes artist olmuş bana da yönetmenlik düşer
Sonra döndüm dedim ki, “çok güzelsin”
Bazen dalıyorum da uzaklara orada da bir şey yokmuş
İstediğin kadar Retrica ile İnstagram’da resimlerinle oyna, Şahin’den Mercedes olmaz
Herkes adamlık dersi veriyor. Madem hepiniz adamsınız, o ders kime?
Kaynar su misali hem yakıyorsun hem akıyorsun
Canın sıkıldıysa gevşet
Ben seni en çok bu saatlerde özlüyorum. Bunu hangi saatte okursan oku
Sakar bir kalbim vfar sürekli sana çarpıyor
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Araba fiyatına tatil ile sezonu açmak gibisi yok.
Hırsızlık kabul edilen meslek olmuşta haberimiz yok.
Herkes adamlık dersi veriyor. Madem hepiniz adamsınız, o ders kime?
Yine gülmedik çok şükür
Yapılan hatalar en azından denemenin kanıtıdır.
Sahne senin devam et, sıra bana gelmesin dua et
Canın sıkıldıysa gevşet
Klasik uçak kanadı paylaşımları gelmeye başladıysa yaz gelmiş demektir. Tatil hazırlıkları başlasın.
Yoga moga bunlar hep ecnebi icadı. Bizim ata sporumuz güreş. Bunu unutmamak gerekiyor. 🙂
Cevaplar ezber ama hayat sana her zaman aynı soruyu sormayacak.
Kimse, görmek istemeyenler kadar kör değildir
Bana sadece merhaba yazabilirsin. Bu bile beni mutlu etmeye yeter.
Araba fiyatına tatil ile sezonu açmak gibisi yok.
Yaprak ağaçtan sıkılmıştı Sonbahar bahane
Herkes artist olmuş bana da yönetmenlik düşer
Sarı saçlarını gönlüme bağlamışım kaşların niye siyah Mihriban
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People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
People with high intuition are not liked very much, they are secretly admired, but most of the time they are not loved because they do not come to their job, they are also distant to those around them because they know the facts, life for these people is extra difficult and tiring.
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Benzersiz bir şekilde bakımlı olarak çok özel bir şehvet hissi sunacak mükemmel bir stille seksiyim. Özel, çok özel ve harika deneyimler sunan mükemmel bayanlardan biriyim. 21 yaşındayım, 172 cm boyunda, 63 kg, size eşsiz bir memnuniyet verecek, tam bir zevk duygusu için benimle takılacağınızı söyleyebilirim. escort Ben seçkin eskortlardan biriyim, çok özel ve harika görünümlü kadın, her yönünü tatmin etmek için özgürce takıldığımı fark edecek saatlerimi benimle deneyimlemek eşsiz olacak.
Benzersiz bir şekilde bakımlı olarak çok özel bir şehvet hissi sunacak mükemmel bir stille seksiyim. Özel, çok özel ve harika deneyimler sunan mükemmel bayanlardan biriyim. 21 yaşındayım, 172 cm boyunda, 63 kg, size eşsiz bir memnuniyet verecek, tam bir zevk duygusu için benimle takılacağınızı söyleyebilirim. escort Ben seçkin eskortlardan biriyim, çok özel ve harika görünümlü kadın, her yönünü tatmin etmek için özgürce takıldığımı fark edecek saatlerimi benimle deneyimlemek eşsiz olacak.
Benzersiz bir şekilde bakımlı olarak çok özel bir şehvet hissi sunacak mükemmel bir stille seksiyim. Özel, çok özel ve harika deneyimler sunan mükemmel bayanlardan biriyim. 21 yaşındayım, 172 cm boyunda, 63 kg, size eşsiz bir memnuniyet verecek, tam bir zevk duygusu için benimle takılacağınızı söyleyebilirim. escort Ben seçkin eskortlardan biriyim, çok özel ve harika görünümlü kadın, her yönünü tatmin etmek için özgürce takıldığımı fark edecek saatlerimi benimle deneyimlemek eşsiz olacak.
Benzersiz bir şekilde bakımlı olarak çok özel bir şehvet hissi sunacak mükemmel bir stille seksiyim. Özel, çok özel ve harika deneyimler sunan mükemmel bayanlardan biriyim. 21 yaşındayım, 172 cm boyunda, 63 kg, size eşsiz bir memnuniyet verecek, tam bir zevk duygusu için benimle takılacağınızı söyleyebilirim. escort Ben seçkin eskortlardan biriyim, çok özel ve harika görünümlü kadın, her yönünü tatmin etmek için özgürce takıldığımı fark edecek saatlerimi benimle deneyimlemek eşsiz olacak.
Benzersiz bir şekilde bakımlı olarak çok özel bir şehvet hissi sunacak mükemmel bir stille seksiyim. Özel, çok özel ve harika deneyimler sunan mükemmel bayanlardan biriyim. 21 yaşındayım, 172 cm boyunda, 63 kg, size eşsiz bir memnuniyet verecek, tam bir zevk duygusu için benimle takılacağınızı söyleyebilirim. escort Ben seçkin eskortlardan biriyim, çok özel ve harika görünümlü kadın, her yönünü tatmin etmek için özgürce takıldığımı fark edecek saatlerimi benimle deneyimlemek eşsiz olacak.
Benzersiz bir şekilde bakımlı olarak çok özel bir şehvet hissi sunacak mükemmel bir stille seksiyim. Özel, çok özel ve harika deneyimler sunan mükemmel bayanlardan biriyim. 21 yaşındayım, 172 cm boyunda, 63 kg, size eşsiz bir memnuniyet verecek, tam bir zevk duygusu için benimle takılacağınızı söyleyebilirim. escort Ben seçkin eskortlardan biriyim, çok özel ve harika görünümlü kadın, her yönünü tatmin etmek için özgürce takıldığımı fark edecek saatlerimi benimle deneyimlemek eşsiz olacak.
Benzersiz bir şekilde bakımlı olarak çok özel bir şehvet hissi sunacak mükemmel bir stille seksiyim. Özel, çok özel ve harika deneyimler sunan mükemmel bayanlardan biriyim. 21 yaşındayım, 172 cm boyunda, 63 kg, size eşsiz bir memnuniyet verecek, tam bir zevk duygusu için benimle takılacağınızı söyleyebilirim. escort Ben seçkin eskortlardan biriyim, çok özel ve harika görünümlü kadın, her yönünü tatmin etmek için özgürce takıldığımı fark edecek saatlerimi benimle deneyimlemek eşsiz olacak.
Benzersiz bir şekilde bakımlı olarak çok özel bir şehvet hissi sunacak mükemmel bir stille seksiyim. Özel, çok özel ve harika deneyimler sunan mükemmel bayanlardan biriyim. 21 yaşındayım, 172 cm boyunda, 63 kg, size eşsiz bir memnuniyet verecek, tam bir zevk duygusu için benimle takılacağınızı söyleyebilirim. escort Ben seçkin eskortlardan biriyim, çok özel ve harika görünümlü kadın, her yönünü tatmin etmek için özgürce takıldığımı fark edecek saatlerimi benimle deneyimlemek eşsiz olacak.
Benzersiz bir şekilde bakımlı olarak çok özel bir şehvet hissi sunacak mükemmel bir stille seksiyim. Özel, çok özel ve harika deneyimler sunan mükemmel bayanlardan biriyim. 21 yaşındayım, 172 cm boyunda, 63 kg, size eşsiz bir memnuniyet verecek, tam bir zevk duygusu için benimle takılacağınızı söyleyebilirim. escort Ben seçkin eskortlardan biriyim, çok özel ve harika görünümlü kadın, her yönünü tatmin etmek için özgürce takıldığımı fark edecek saatlerimi benimle deneyimlemek eşsiz olacak.
Benzersiz bir şekilde bakımlı olarak çok özel bir şehvet hissi sunacak mükemmel bir stille seksiyim. Özel, çok özel ve harika deneyimler sunan mükemmel bayanlardan biriyim. 21 yaşındayım, 172 cm boyunda, 63 kg, size eşsiz bir memnuniyet verecek, tam bir zevk duygusu için benimle takılacağınızı söyleyebilirim. escort Ben seçkin eskortlardan biriyim, çok özel ve harika görünümlü kadın, her yönünü tatmin etmek için özgürce takıldığımı fark edecek saatlerimi benimle deneyimlemek eşsiz olacak.
Benzersiz bir şekilde bakımlı olarak çok özel bir şehvet hissi sunacak mükemmel bir stille seksiyim. Özel, çok özel ve harika deneyimler sunan mükemmel bayanlardan biriyim. 21 yaşındayım, 172 cm boyunda, 63 kg, size eşsiz bir memnuniyet verecek, tam bir zevk duygusu için benimle takılacağınızı söyleyebilirim. escort Ben seçkin eskortlardan biriyim, çok özel ve harika görünümlü kadın, her yönünü tatmin etmek için özgürce takıldığımı fark edecek saatlerimi benimle deneyimlemek eşsiz olacak.
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Congratulations on excellent lettering.
Congratulations on excellent lettering.
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